
Lattix LogoLattix is the tool of choice when insight, governance and oversight in the structure of the application is required. This can be during the design phase when the models are developed, but also during implementation-, test- and maintenance phase. In this way models can be improved before they are transferred to code, or  code structures can be analysed to perform impact analysis and/or determine software architecture erosion. The use of easy to create and understand Dependency Structure Matrices is the power behind Lattix.

With Lattix it is possible to gain more insight it the technical problems that are due to the complexity of the realised system. Simple but powerful design rules can be set-up to provide governance during the further development of the application. Improvement in insight and governance automatically results in overview in the many aspects the system and the development process.

Han van Roosmalen Software Services has a strong relationship with Lattix Inc. For over 4 years I deliver consultancy during the introduction of Lattix. I use Lattix in my daily consultancy work and am able to provide my customer significantly better insight in the application structure or database within a couple of hours. Reactions after such a day are always positive and can be summarised in the following one-liners:

"Incredible, what I have learned during this day is more than I understood of it during the last one and half year that I worked with it."
"This is the first time I had a consultant that taught me something about my own problem."


For reasons of integrity I will not provide the names of my customers.

In summary, Lattix can be a perfect tool to/for:

  • insight, governance and overview
  • application life cycle extension
  • maintenance cost reduction
  • architecture erosion management
  • SOA architecture service development.


